Gambling is the act of risking something of value – such as money or possessions – on an outcome that is based on chance. It is an activity that is legal in some places but restricted by law in others, and it can be found in many forms including sports betting, lottery games, online casino games and card and table games. Many people gamble as a way of socialising or to escape from worries and stresses, but for some it can become problematic and lead to serious harm.
Problem gambling is linked to other mental health problems, such as depression, stress, anxiety and bipolar disorder. It can also trigger or make worse mood disorders and can cause problems such as self-harm, eating disorders and drug misuse. People who have these conditions are more likely to experience harmful gambling, but it can be hard for them to get help as they don’t realise their behaviour is a problem.
It is thought that the reward centres in the brain can be affected by a person’s environment and their genes. This can affect how they process rewards, control their impulses and weigh risks. Some people may be genetically predisposed to thrill-seeking behaviour and impulsivity, which can lead to a tendency to gamble. It is also possible that some people have underactive reward systems, which can cause them to struggle with control and impulses.
There are several ways that a person can be helped to overcome a gambling problem. Counselling and support groups, such as Gamblers Anonymous, are available, as well as self-help tips. Some people also find that changing their lifestyle helps them to cope with gambling problems. This can include reducing financial risk factors, such as using credit cards and taking out loans, and finding new ways to socialise and escape from worries or stress.
Other factors that can contribute to a gambling addiction are:
A gambling addiction can have serious effects on a person’s life, including the loss of family and friends, as well as affecting relationships with co-workers and neighbours. It can also have a significant impact on the finances of the person, which can lead to debt or even bankruptcy. If a person is struggling to pay their debts, they should speak to StepChange for free debt advice.